Buttercup – King Billy

At Victory’s Buttercup tenements, old shafts and pits follow a north westerly orientated quartz filled shear zone for 500 m in granite. The veins pinch and swell from 20 cm to 1.5 m and dip from 20° to 70° to the east.

At Victory Metals’ King Billy tenements, auger soil sampling by Central Bore NL (ACN 000 742 843) was preceded by rock chip sampling in 1997. Rock chip sampling indicates the presence of several gold mineralised quartz veins.

All tenements strike north-east and dip steeply north west, roughly the same orientation as the Young Australia workings, located just 600 m along strike to the north.

Recommended exploration programs include air-core drilling traverses along the shear zone to the south east of the Buttercup workings. A north-north-west orientated dog-leg in the shear zone is associated with an interesting soil anomaly. Reconnaissance rock chip sampling along the 1 km long, north easterly orientated shear zone at King Billy is also recommended.